SeeSaw Labs


Read about trending topics in Outsourcing CTO Services to maximize your business potential

From technical strategy to implementation, our team of experts publish regular blog posts to help you navigate the ever-evolving technology landscape and unlock new opportunities for growth and success.

Is Artificial Intelligence Right for Your Business?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is something of a lofty, tech buzzword. It’s easy to imagine it as a solution reserved for huge companies using supercomputers to sift through massive stores of data. For example, IBM’s Watson is often what comes to mind when people think about

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HTC Vive Pro for VR | What You Need to Know

HTC’s new Vive Pro is officially available for preorder (ships April) and promises some exciting new features. This upgrade will really up the game in Virtual Reality headsets. At SeeSaw Labs, we’ve been using HTC’s Vive for more than two years now, and have been

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Virtual Reality and Architecture

As with any emerging technology, successful early adopters are able to answer the question, “What can this technology do that was previously not possible?”. Virtual Reality is no exception, and successful initiatives deliver on this question. What is VR Best At? One of VR’s greatest

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Rockstar VR Experience

Let’s Rock. We made a virtual rock show to test the boundaries of what your phone and Google Cardboard can handle. Our crew is equipped to bring your virtual experience to life—be it an immersive 360 video or full simulation. No Cardboard? Watch the 360

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SeeSaw Labs Virtual Park

For our latest Lab project, we’ve been working on creating a Virtual Park where we can experiment across multiple platforms. For HTC Vive and Oculus builds, we’ve been working at combining some more advanced interaction methods (like climbing, using objects while teleporting, etc.). For mobile

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